Where to Incorporate – Washington vs. Delaware…
Great blog post from Joe Wallin at Davis Wright Tremaine, about the differences incorporating between Washington and Delaware…
This is a topic that comes up in the Founder Institute about incorporation. LLC, S Corp, C Corp, Delaware, NV, WA, etc… Typically we’re with Delaware (caveat, I’m not an attorney and dont’ play one on TV). Two big reason: first, the Institute is in 15+ cities and countries, within the US, it’s an easy recommendation. Second, though the expense of Delaware is more annually (vs Washington), you have to compare that expense to the 1-2 hours of legal education (at an hourly rate of $X) to learn the nuances…
From the post…
If I was a Washington-based startup technology company anticipating potentially raising angel or venture capital financing, where would I incorporate–Delaware or Washington?
I would incorporate in Washington for the following reasons: