Flat6 Labs- Dave Parker


I’m excited to get the opportunity to work with your startup and the new Flat6 Labs team in Abu Dhabi from the 23-26 of May 2021. We’ll get to know each other a lot over the next few days. Each day I’ll post the program slides in advance as well as posting the video recordings after all of the sessions (and on my YouTube channel here).

Final Schedule and Deliverables here.

Day 1 Slides

Day 1 Agenda:

Introductions, Research, Pricing and Markets. Value Proposition, Customer Development Mechanics, and Awkward Co-Founder Discussions.

Part 1 Recording (before lunch break). Intro, Research, and Pricing

Part 2 Recording (after lunch break) Markets.

Ultimate Customer Development Questions Blog Post

Day 2 Slides

Day 2 Agenda

How Startup Make Money – 14 Revenue Models. Pricing and Metrics that Matter. Go-to-Market ¤Traction and Product / Market Fit. Pitch Reviews

Part 1 Recording (before lunch)  

Part 2 Recording (after lunch)

Part 3 Recording (Pitch Reviews)

Financial Model Template Folder

Day 3 Slides

Day 3 Agenda

Product and Company Roadmap. When, Why and How to Pivot. Fundraising Fundamentals  Pitch Reviews 

Series Seed, Convertible Debt and SAFE Documents.

Quarterly Planning

The Excel spreadsheet version and Google Doc version are at the end of this post on Managing a Startup Board.

Part 1 Recording (before lunch break).

Part 2 Recording (after lunch break).

Day 4 Pitches

Part 1 Recording

Part 2 Recording


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