What’s the emotional IQ of an Entrepreneur
Great John Cook interview with Boston VC, Jeff Bussgang… http://www.techflash.com/seattle/2010/09/boston_vc_jeff_bussgang_on_blogging_super_angels_and_more.html On the ’emotional IQ’ of the entrepreneur: “One of the frameworks we talk about now in our partnership is the emotional IQ of the entrepreneur…. Self-honesty and knowledge and thoughtfulness. You always think about the IQ of the entrepreneur and you always think about the
Read MoreTop valued private tech companies… “Digital 100”
Interesting ranking by Henry Blodget (and team at Business Insider) on they top 100 private tech companies. Facebook, Zynga, at the top of the list LinkedIn rounds out number 10. http://www.businessinsider.com/digital-100
Read MoreInnovation and the Business Model…
Chris O’Brien wrote a great artcile today on SiliconValley.com on http://www.siliconvalley.com/opinion/ci_16085562?nclick_check=1 “I am constantly impressed by the crazy amount of energy entrepreneurs spend hatching innovative services, so I have never understood why they seem to spend so little time figuring out their business models.” The article covers three models, Deal, Virtual Goods and Apps
Read MoreRon Conway – UberAngel investor on Entrepreneur Success
Conway: During The Bubble, 77% Entrepreneurs Failed. Now, It’s Around 40% Today, during our Social Currency CrunchUp, angel investor Ron Conway had some interesting data to share for the first time. Conway says that his company, SV Angel, has recently done an audit on the over 500 companies they’ve invested in over the past 12 years. And he was
Read MoreWhy start…
When your looking to grow your business past the current market - where do you start???
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