Visionary Entrepreneur, Really?
I’ve been invited to connect with a number of “Visionary Entrepreneurs” via LinkedIn recently. It’s a cool phrase – WOW – I mean who wouldn’t want to given to unpractical ideas or schemes.
When I launched my first startup, I boldly told the team that we wanted to offer outrageous service! Not realizing that the definition of outrageous was negative not positive. Words mean things – even if we don’t know what they mean.
History will dictate if you were a Visionary – noun – a person of unusually keen insight. But it won’t be your title on LinkedIn or the business card of your first start-up.
Denis, great point, English has a great deal of nuance.
If only those people were English as a Second Language!
Joe Wallin (@joewallin)
Dave, you might be amused by reading this answer on Quora explaining what it feels like to be a visionary–written anonymously.
Jerome Gentolia
BTW! The picture (.png) file on this blog is not loading. The file moved in a different directory perhaps?
SnapSwap Inc. (@SnapSwap)
Good point, taken. English is tricky language sometimes.